Testomen Clinic

Numb Penis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Numbness in the penis and genital area is among the most common conditions among men. There are many conditions that can cause numbness in the penis. Since the penis is rich in nerve endings, it is extremely sensitive to such situations. In some cases, this may be due to a simple misalignment, and in other cases, it may indicate a different and more serious condition. In this case, it is necessary to seek support from doctors. This discomfort, which can be due to physical reasons, can also occur due to psychological and genetic reasons.

What Causes Numbness in the Penis?

Numbness of the penis and loss of sensation are most often caused by factors affecting the nerve endings. The most common causes of numbness can be listed as follows:

• Injuries and blows
• Cycling for a long time
• Sitting in the same position and in the same place for a long time
• Irritation of the skin and tissue
• Wearing tight clothes and underwear
• Injury during sexual intercourse
• Injury during masturbation
• Low testosterone levels
• Nerve and nerve ending problems and Neurological based problems

How is Penile Numbness Treated?

For the treatment of numbness in the genital area, first of all, the source of this problem must be found. Treatment of external ailments, such as sitting for a long time or injury, is not usually done by doctors. The feeling of numbness settles with the healing of the wounds and the normalization of blood flow. In some cases, there may be neurological or neural problems. In these cases, treatment should be done by doctors. Treatment methods can be listed as follows according to the causes of penile numbness:

• Changing living standards and staying away from Conflict situations.
• Paying attention to the drugs taken for different ailments and consulting doctors if the situation is experienced regularly and repeatedly.
• Raising the testosterone level.

How is the diagnosis made in case of constant penile numbness?

In the case of persistent numbness and numbness, we need to be able to answer certain questions in order to find out what causes this discomfort. Questions that will facilitate diagnosis along with the cause of the discomfort include:

• When did the Numbness begin?
• How long do these disturbances last and at what intervals?
• At what time do numbness begin or worsen?
• Do the numbness occur while sitting, standing, or walking or running?
• Do urinary tract problems follow the complaints of numbness?
• Do you have low back pain as well as numbness?
• Are there any sexual problems besides numbness complaints?
• Are there erection problems as well as numbness complaints?
• Are there any pain, discomfort or irregularity in the stomach and intestines besides the complaints of numbness?
• Have the numbness complaints been operated before, and if so, how was the operation?
• In addition to the complaints of numbness, are there other drugs that have been used regularly for a long time?

When these complaints are questioned, there may be reasons that cause numbness problems in the penis. What makes it important to find these causes is that the cause also reveals the method of treatment. If you are experiencing a lingering Numbness, you can develop treatment methods with the help of your doctor according to the questions stated, and you can also discover whether the condition is serious or temporary.


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